Minimally invasive spine surgery is empowering aging Indians

These include: Maintaining good posture: Standing tall and sitting up straight helps distribute weight evenly on the spine, reducing stress and strain Regular exercise: Low-impact activities like swimming, yoga, and walking strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility, and support spinal health Managing weight: Excess weight puts additional pressure on the spine, accelerating wear and tear.

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces this risk Strengthening bone health: Adequate calcium intake and vitamin D supplementation, along with weight-bearing exercises, can help combat osteoporosis and prevent bone fractures Beacon of Hope Full endoscopic spine surgery is not merely a medical marvel, it’s a cultural touchstone. It empowers seniors to reclaim their lives and rewrite their narrative.

They can climb their grandchildren’s forts, tend their gardens and embark on long-awaited pilgrimages, unburdened by pain. The joy of regained mobility ripples outward, enriching lives of their loved ones and the fabric of society itself. FESS limitations While FESS offers transformative solutions, it’s important to acknowledge its limitations. Open surgery may still be preferable for complex cases like severe cervical spondylosis or scoliosis. However, FESS remains a powerful tool for alleviating pain and improving function, even in such situations.

By offering a minimally invasive alternative, FESS empowers not only those with degenerative conditions but also those with osteoporosis, giving them a choice to manage their pain, maintain independence and live life upright. While FESS offers a transformative solution, prioritising preventive measures ensures a life lived vibrant and upright.

(The author is a consultant, department of neurosurgery at Apollo Adlux Hospital, Angamaly)

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