Secure attachment communication skills for your relationship

In a relationship, healthy communication forms the foundation of happiness and understanding. It is important to create a healthy space for sharing and exchange of emotions without the fear of being criticised or judged. People with secure attachment are more in touch with their feelings and can lead to a happy relationship with healthy communication skills. “Struggle with communication? You’re not alone. This is one of the biggest issues couples have when they come to see me. And there are certain secure principles that really help communication become more effective,” wrote Relationship Expert Rose Viggiano. The expert further noted down a few communication skills that can help in building a secure relationship.

It is important to create a healthy space in the relationship for sharing and exchange of emotions without the fear of being criticised or judged. (Unsplash)

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5 communication skills for healthy relationship:

Focusing on emotions: Instead of getting into the competition of who is right and who is wrong, we should try to look inwards and understand our emotions. We should delve deeper and try to find the origin of those emotions. This will create more clarity in the relationship and help us to communicate our feelings better.

Validating the partner’s feelings: In a relationship, not always are we going to agree with the partner. However, we should always ensure to validate their emotions even when we do not agree with them. This will help the partner feel seen and heard.

Being vulnerable: We should allow ourselves to be vulnerable to our partner. Showing our emotions is not a sign of weakness. Instead, this will help us to seek clarity in the relationship and help us to feel seen, heard and understood.

Responsive to the needs: We need to be attentive and responsive to the needs of the partner. In a relationship it is important to clarify our needs and expectations to the partner and also ensure that we take care of theirs.

Discussing issues: Some issues need multiple discussions. We should be open to doing that and allowing ourselves to be more open to the perspectives of the partner.

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