Are you clinging on to someone who can’t love you? Here are 5 telltale signs

Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

  • From seeing our concerns as personal attacks to making us feel insecure and unsettled, here are a few telltale signs that we are not with the right person.


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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

Being in a relationship where we do not feel loved and valued, can be very difficult. “It doesn’t matter if your partner is stressed, busy or emotionally unavailable. You are still not getting what you need from your relationship and that hurts. You’re not being too sensitive or expecting too much. You’re hurting and that pain is justified,” wrote Relationship Coach Marlena Tillhon. Here are a few signs that we are clinging on to someone who does not love us.(Unsplash)


The partner constantly prioritises what they need and want, with little consideration to our expectations, likes and dislikes.  (Unsplash)
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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

The partner constantly prioritises what they need and want, with little consideration to our expectations, likes and dislikes.  (Unsplash)


The partner has a difficult time listening and accepting our side of the story. Instead, they see our concerns as personal attacks.  (Pexels)
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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

The partner has a difficult time listening and accepting our side of the story. Instead, they see our concerns as personal attacks.  (Pexels)


Only when they want something done, they are available to us. This can make us feel unsettled, insecure and hurt.  (Unsplash)
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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

Only when they want something done, they are available to us. This can make us feel unsettled, insecure and hurt.  (Unsplash)


The partner does not put in effort to alleviate our insecurities or our fears. Instead, they do what they want to do, and expect us to be okay with it.  (Freepik )
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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

The partner does not put in effort to alleviate our insecurities or our fears. Instead, they do what they want to do, and expect us to be okay with it.  (Freepik )


We are provided with the bare minimum in the relationship and are expected to be happy with it. They constantly prioritises others instead of us. (Unsplash)
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Published on Jun 14, 2024 03:55 PM IST

We are provided with the bare minimum in the relationship and are expected to be happy with it. They constantly prioritises others instead of us. (Unsplash)

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